Jet set to Japan! ✈️

Singapore to South Korea to Japan ✈️

I’m completely heartbroken to say goodbye to my Singapore friends and roommates. I had the best girlfriends anyone could ask for. I was incredibly lucky to have such sweet roommates. I was nervous to live with 9 girls in one apartment, but everyone had a kind heart. ❤️ I hope to meet each girl again in another place and another time. 

I had a quick one day layover to make my working visa in South Korea. I got dinner with old friends. Man! I really missed Kimchi pancakes. They are unusually delicious. I also bought ginseng candy, a Korean delicacy not many Americans can even stand the smell of, I love. 😍 I did a quick walk around of the Gyeongbukgung Palace. I am simply amazed by the architecture. It’s completely different to anything I have seen before except in a Jackie Chan movie. 

I have arrived in Tokyo, Japan. The weather is an abrupt change. I was just chilling on the beach with friends now I need a winter jacket? 😵⛄️ I am so happy to be here again to see my old friends and clients. I will tell you I never thought I would be back to Tokyo so soon! 🇯🇵 I am beyond lucky and so grateful. My apartment is so great. It’s very different to live on my own in comparison to having 9 girls to come home and chat with after work, but I appreciate this time to myself. I am reading more books, eating more pizza🍕, doing yoga, and watching Gilmore Girls. 😜 Also, I have a fellow Mid-Westerner in my agency. Her name in Annette from Chicago. She is very sweet. We went to shake shack and for a walk around Harajuku on my first weekend back in Tokyo. I love the street style of Harajuku. I will write a separate blog on Harajuku Style soon. 😊

Until then, follow updates on my adventures on my social media!!

📸 Instagram: kateshannon03 

Last Week in Singapore 

It’s my last week in Singapore! I am making the most of my stay here. I am saddened to watch some of my closest friends here leave. My friend and roommate Lily from the Neatherlands left with her brother just yesterday. I made brownies and we went to dinner to say goodbye.


Photo taken from Instagram by @buro247singapore BTS Fashion Week

I am so very lucky to have met some lovely people here. 💕 I am learning that although, not every person is good or has good intentions, there are more good than bad and for that I am truly thankful…

It is the beginning of the rainy season which is nice because everything cools down a bit. It rains heavily maybe twice a day for no more than 30 minutes. It suits my mood because since it is my last week in Singapore I don’t have anymore castings. I am just finishing up jobs that I have booked or that I am on option for. I have been doing my yoga in the morning although it is hard to flow when five of my roommates smoke by the window I do my yoga by. I think it is time to switch locations for yoga! Perhaps by the pool. 😊👍🏻 

I am so happy to have a new baby roommate from Poland. She is 16 and has a heart of gold. ❤️ tomorrow we will go to a free dance lesson because my friend is the owner of a dance studio. 

I have started to pack away some of my summer clothes. I will send them home because my next stop is TOKYO! 😍 I can’t wait to be back in Harajuku eat sushi and my favorite O-nigiri. 🍙🍣🍱😍

Some of my work from Singapore for Marina Bay Sands Shopping Malls. 

Photography by Nicky Loh

Stay tuned for more adventures. 

I’m jumping for joy because it’s the weekend! 😍

Photo for Mott50 Photography by @keenanreilly 

Follow my Instagram for more😘



Fashion Week: Week of Hell

Day 1 of Fashion week I woke up at 6AM to shower before oth my roommates and to eat breakfast. Mind you, I haven’t been home to have a meal in about one week because my mom and grandma were here and fed me delicious foood and also because I had early call times for work so they feed me. 😍 I poured my oats into a red bowl and mixed in some ranberries, granola and cinnamon. I proceed to the fridge to grab my soy milk and give it a good shake… it was nothing but. Jelly soy milk inside. 😖 so I trash that and go to my next option which is yogurt. What a horrendous idea. Dry oats with yogurt… sounds appetizing right? 😷😂 I decide just to eat an apple and drink my daily coffee and lemon water. 

My ankles are absolutely killing me with goozing blisters right where my Achilles is from twirling around in circles in Saint Laurent shoes and a $10,000 Prada dress for a photoshoot with my friend Derek for a magazine. OW! 😓 

(Sorry for the grossness, but you can’t truly understand unless you see my battle wounds.)

Walking to my casting at 9AM my blisters tear open again and start to bleed. 😖 I go into my casting and was so happy to see my Thai friends 😍 I knew I would book the job! Yay! I do the fitting and try on clothes and then they shove my feet into my shoes and zip the back of the heal right on my blister. 😳 I try to ignore the pain and do my best to show my best runway walk. 👠 everything goes well. I head to get lunch with some really sweet girls from my agency. We got subway. I got a teriyaki chicken sandwich on Italian bread and two chocolate chip cookies. 🍪😋 

After this we run to the Guo Pei rehearsal. Guo Pei is a Chinese designer particularly famous for dressing Rihanna at the Met Gala. The show was fabulous. Everyone walked elegantly down the runway and was relieved to come backstage. No one fell! Thank God! For the finale we all had to climb up the stairs and wait for the disinter to come out. 

You can see me in the right middle of the pastel pink colored outfits. I had a badazzled fanny pack which I thought was so cool! I think I could rock that everyday. After the show the casting director named Jerome grabbed me and another girl to take photos with the designer Guo Pei. COOL. 😬 walking down the stairs of the National museum I was greeted by the night light of the moon and a lovely view of Marina bay sands and the Singapore Flyer… and then I was greeted by the floor 😱😱😱 after missing a one inch stair that they have so many of here in Asia but I seem them as completely pointless. On the floor with my shattered ego I quickly got up and act as if it did not happen. 😂😂😂 well, that is one way to make an enterence. 😂 I walked into the room to meet Guo Pei and the numerous photogrpahers taking my photo I love to meet the designers and see how they act about their creations. Guo Pei was so adorable 😍 she was soft spoken and graceful but confident. I think that her personality really shows in her couture creations. ✨ 

Day 2 of Singapore fashion week consists of a photoshoot in the morning and then a fashion show at night. Stay tuned!

To see more of my adventures follow me on my social media accounts! 💕

Here is some behind the scenes grooviness of a snapchat of yesterday’s runway show with my awesome and beautiful friends Diana and Maye. 😜

Instagram: kateshannon03

Snapchat: k_shann03

A Spark of Creativity

Working in Singapore has been a beautiful experience. I have been meeting many people each so different from the next. This past week I got to work with some friends from my agency and I also had the opportunity to make new friends. In the fashion industry I am exposed to the artistic side of life. Which is something that intrigues me because  it’s new, exciting, and raw for me.

I shot and filmed in a skatepark with a guy from Romania named George. He is completely goofy and confident in his quirks and is not not afraid to do or say anything wrong. I was happy to work with him he made me laugh most of the day. We had to shoot a campaign for the fall winter collection in the Singapore heat and humidity. I was glad to have a friend to keep the day flowing. We worked with a videographer named Sean. He was beyond chill. He kept the vibe fluid and even though it rained for two hours everyone was still in high spirits. I can’t wait to see these photos and video. 😍 I know that the whole crew created something innovative and exquisite. We created something very special I feel very lucky to be part of that. 

I got to work with talented and creative people who inspire me and show me a new perspective. I am completely thankful for this life I live. 🙏🏻 

Fashion week in Singapore begins tomorrow. After all of the castings and fittings I am ready for it. 💪🏻☺️

After castings today I went to an adorable cafe, called the Selfie Cafe, with my friends Diana, May and Thera. They print your selfie on top of the foam on you latte. 😋 I loved spending time with these girls because they are all honest and upfront with who they are. Diana is an awkward noodle like me.🍜 😂 I love her sense of humor. I enjoy the company of someonewho can laugh at themselves and enjoys to make others laugh and smile. 😊
​ ​

For behind the scenes action follow my social media accounts! 😜

Snapchat: k_shann03

Instagram: kateshannon03

A Grateful Sunday

Hey guys! 👋🏻😊

After a long week full of work, and wonderful people it is finally SUNDAY! My day of rest 😍😴 I have a very eventful week. My mom and grandma came to Singapore for a whole week to visit me! ✨ it was hilarious to feed my mom some Asian cuisine. (She is a very picky eater) 😂 despite working everyday I still made time to explore with my special and lovely guests. We went on marvelous adventures in Singapore together. 💕 

I loved spending time with my mom and grandma. I get my silly, and goofy personality from them. We went to the Asian Culture Museum that I so happened to be working their with my crew on a photo shoot for a magazine for the November issue. I can’t wait until it comes out so I can share the photos. The team was absolutely amazing!! 

I took my Mom and Grandma for lunch at Cé la Vi which is on top of Marina Bay Sands. This building is a hotel that looks like a ship is on top connecting three towers. There is such a lovely view of the city and Indian Ocean. I ordered my mom some pizza and edename, which she loved! 🍕 

We  also went to the Singapore flyer which is equivalent to the London eye. We were so high up!

The Gardens by the Bay light show was absolutely beautiful. My mom, grandma and I laid on the ground in the middle of the Super Tree grove to watch as the lights came on in sequence to broadway sing alongs. These super trees that stand 16 stories high also harvest solar power energy! Yay for ecofriendly fun!!! 🌞♻️🌏

Today I have to meet two of my friends who I met in Thailand. 💕 I will get breakfast and maybe head over to the botanical gardens with my friend who I met snorkeling in the Phi Phi ​Islands. It is an astounding feeling knowing I can travel the world and reconnect with old friends. It makes me feel at one with the universe. ❤️ 

Follow my adventures on my social media outlets for more! 

Snapchat: k_shann03

Instagram: kateshannon03


Work work work 

BTS from a bridal shoot. I’m IN LOVE with this burgundy lip. 💋 It’s perfect for fall. Try it out. 

This week has been jammed packed. Full of work and fashion week castings!! I’m excited to see which shows a book. I have been so blessed to be working and ending the busy days with a night swim. My apartment has a pool and it is incredibly beautiful to swim at night and be surrounded by the city. City living is a completely different environment for me being Wisconsin born and raised. 

As I was sitting in my casting today surrounded by so many girls I read a book called the Power of Now written by Eckhart Tolle. I am completely captivated by this book YOU MUST READ! This book even though I am only on page 57 has already taught me to identify my thought patterns. This is amazing to deepen my understanding of my self. It can help me rid of any negative thoughts or truly be aware of my feelings and why I might feel those feelings, also how to observe that feeling and learn from it. 😍 I can’t wait to continue reading to learn more. My hunger for knowledge is growing hungrier. 

Goodnight from Singapore! Xo 💋

Follow my journey. 

Snapchat: k_shann03

Instagram: kateshannon03

Conscientiously Sober 

Happy Monday everyone! Cheers to a wonderful weekend! 🙌🏼 this weekend FriYAY started out with a full day of work. 😍 For @runwaybandits I loved their new line coming out soon called Handsome. Everything was sleek, chic and very well made. Here are some BTS (Behind the scences) photos. 

Working with such an awesome and hard working team. We had delicious veggie burgers for lunch. 🍔👏🏼😍


Friday I went out to dinner with friends. I had salad, spaghetti, and a chocolate brownie. Now I can’t lie. I had the equivalence of 1.5 glasses of wine with dinner which was absolutely lovely! I have been making a conscience effort to not drink hard alcohol the past few months and I must say that my body feels great. My digestive system feels better and I feel I have more energy; However, straying away from alcohol can be difficult especially because I love to go out and have a good time with friends. After dinner we headed to the club called Bang Bang 💥 🔫. This is the first time I have went to a club and decided not to drink any hard alcohol. Arriving in the club everyone crowds the table in the VIP lounge full of vodka, tequila and champagne. At that moment I had second thoughts about coming to the club. I was thinking about whether or not I had truly wanted to be there and thinking it would be impossible to achieve my goal of not drinking alcohol. I decided to stay and try to have a good time despite my urge to have a drink with my friends… All of my new friends and even strangers offered me a drink and I politely decline. It felt great to stick to my goal in a place where I am surrounded by free alcohol. I drifted away from the model’s table and headed to the dance floor. I then had a realization that I didn’t need alcohol to have fun or “let loose”.  I just needed to be in the right mindset. I was having just as much fun dancing with my new friends and my roommates and listening to the music. 💃🏻💕 I felt more aware of my surroundings, more aware of others intentions, and more free to do as I pleased because people didn’t notice I wasn’t drinking as the night went on. I truly can appreciate the company of my friends sober. I’m going to continue to be consciously sober of hard alcohol, but a glass of wine from time to time is fine. 🍷😍

This weekend my roommates were so curious about my yoga. I lead them through from what I know and even they began to get creative with stretches and poses. It’s such an incredible feeling to share knowledge and in return receive knowledge. 😊 Yoga has been helping me with my insecuties and making me see the positivity in life. If I have an argument with a family member and feel the negativity I do yoga and mediate and tell myself to positive and choose happiness. I taught my roommate how to do a headstand on the wall. She was so joyful when she did it! That made me so happy and the thought of going to Thailand to get my yoga teaching license is becoming more and more alluring. 😍 maybe one day in the near future. 

Also, my roommate, Darina from Ukraine,  tried Eggos Chocolate chip waffles for the first time. After we watched the Netflix series Strang Things. She loved them. 😍

Follow me on my journey. 

Snapchat: K_shann03

Instagram: kateshannon03

Progress and Growth 

Yesterday my friend Michelle sent me a link to 1 week free of studio workout classes. These classes include; yoga, Zumba, Hula dancing and kick boxing. I went to the yoga and hula dancing yesterday after my castings. After class I was able to get some one on one time with my awesome teacher. He watched me do my headstands and gave me tips to make the headstand more controlled and more difficult. I noticed my core is much stronger and I am becoming more flexible! Also I have really noticed that my poses are really becoming in sequence to my breathing pattern! I am so happy to learn. 😍 

I do self practice yoga most mornings in my apartment near the patio because it is very hot in my apartment. My morning yoga turns to hot yoga. I am so sweaty when I’m finished. Today I really focused on working on balance, back bends, and of course headstands and handstands. I showed a couple of the girls from my agency this video of my progress and they said they want to learn too. Maybe soon I will start my own yoga class just for fun. I don’t feel completely confident in my yoga skills to teach just yet… But I can share my knowledge, just as every yoga teacher has done with me. 

One of my friends named Bayley is in Thailand right now. Soon she will take her yoga teaching class. The idea of going to learn to teach yoga in Thailand intrigues and inspires me. Thailand is a magical place that will always have a place in my heart. 💕

That’s all for now! 

Follow me for more photos and video snippets of my adventure ! 😜

Instagram: kateshannon03

Snapchat: k_shann03 

My First Week in Singapore

It has been about one week since I have arrived in Singapore. After 25 hours of time spent flying I grab a cab to my new apartment where I will be staying for two months. My apartment is beautiful outside. Walking to my block, dragging my luggage behind me I walk past a beautiful pool with a waterfall. Wow the weather is humid and sweaty here… Upon my arrival, Thelma, my roommate and maid is awaiting me at the door. She is from the Philipines and is so kind and welcoming. We walked up to my apartment to meet my 8 new roommates all from different countries. This is what I truly LOVE about being a traveling model. I meet so many new friends from all over the world. It’s interesting what I can learn from these new friends. I really am wondering what I will make of this trip in Singapore. I definitely  plan on taking life as it comes, living in the moment, and choosing to be HAPPY.

My first week in Singapore consisted of countless castings. Mostly I rode the bus to get to where I needed to go. I really enjoy riding the bus since I have my own car at home, riding the bus is foreign to me. I love to sit by the window and look outside.  I had my first job in Singapore too! For Megagamie, which is a clothing brand. The crew was so much fun to work with. I am remarkably lucky to be able to earn money and have fun. Work doesn’t feel so much like work while I’m laughing, smiling and having fun inbetween cuts with the crew.

Check out the these looks on Instagram @shopmegagamie

This week was filled with work but I work hard and play hard! I met my friend Michelle and she took me to this lovely garden. We walked and talked for about 8 miles! She is the best company. Singapore is filled with plenty of gardens I hope to explore.

Saturday morning I was out to breakfast at Uncommon Man. I ordered my banana pancakes and while sipping oncoffee while   contemplating on what I should do with my first day off in Singapore. A lovely Australian girl comes in and sits at the table next to me. I started small talk with her and her friend and she told me that she was a yoga teacher. I told her I am a beginner at yoga. She was in Singapore for a yoga festival called SoulScape. I was very interested. She invited me to go and buy a day pass. So I did it! The festival took place on a beach called Sentosa. I arrived to the festival and followed my instincts that lead me to the first workshop called Embodied Dance with Daniel Rojas. During the class he showed us how to feel the breeze against our faces, let go of anything distracting us from living in and appreciate this moment and the energy we shared in the room. He was truly inspirational and his joy and love for life radiated through his smile. I will try to match his smile and love for life. Here’s a YouTube clip. Maybe you’ll find him inspiring as well! 🙃

The next class I attended was a flow class with a man from India named Mahendra Singh. Now I can’t lie… His class was tough! Being a newbie to yoga, I was trying my best to keep up with him. I know he could tell I was struggling but his encouraging words kept me going. My effort was shaking in my muscles trying to balance and strengthen my poses. Although this class was difficult and I might not have done all the poses perfectly I know that there is an immense amount of room to grow. I can not wait to continue learning and see my growth. ❤️

I met a very friendly Russian girl named Ksenia. She came with me to the next class which was called Capoeira with the Contramestre Tucum. Capoeira is a Brazilian martial arts that is a combination of dance, acrobatics, and music. We danced with two wooden sticks and looked as if we were fighting against each other but really we had to work together with the beat of the drum and cowbell and the rhythm of hitting the sticks together. Everyone in this dance class was smiling from ear to ear. It was fun and let out some inner frustration and aggression. Here’s a picture of our group.

After our workshops and classes were finished everyone there formed a circle and we did sunset yoga with Denise Keller. The sunset was breathtaking, and the energy of almost 1,000 people on the beach doing yoga together was incredible. Even though I went into the yoga festival alone, knowing no one, I came feeling welcome and left with many friends.

So far my trip in Singapore has been quite eventful. Stay tuned for more blog posts and if you want to see more of my adventures follow the usernames below!! ✌🏻😊

Instagram: @kateshannon03

Snapchat: k_shann03